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Eagle, Quetzal, and Condor (NP​-​XII)


Released: 2020-03-08| Length: 21:22
Reviewed: 2021-01-10 | Rating: 4.5 / 5 | Tagged: USA, Native American Grouping: Popular | Genre Category: Rock | Genre: Metal | Sub-Genre: Black Metal | Style: Atmospheric
Ixachitlan - Eagle, Quetzal, and Condor (NP​-​XII)

California based Native American pride goes world wide

Official Description

Dedicated to all the indigenous people of this brown continent, from the north to the south to the east and the west.

My Thoughts

Some nice tribal atmospherics here, and I am a sucker for heavy-reverb vocal tracks, so yeah.

Consider this part of the left drift in metal that I have been seriously enjoying recently. Not RABM, but definitely not in the white-power viking LARPing camp.

For Fans Of

  • Pan-Amerikan Native Front
  • Maquahuitl
  • Blackbraid
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