Released: 2020-04-24| Length: 39:06
Reviewed: 2020-12-19 | Rating: / 5 | Tagged: doom metal, industrial, sludge Grouping: Popular | Genre Category: Rock | Genre: Metal | Sub-Genre: Death Metal | Style: Industrial Sludge Intended Audience: disaffected Ministry fans
Reviewed: 2020-12-19 | Rating: / 5 | Tagged: doom metal, industrial, sludge Grouping: Popular | Genre Category: Rock | Genre: Metal | Sub-Genre: Death Metal | Style: Industrial Sludge Intended Audience: disaffected Ministry fans

The sound track to a snuff film
My Thoughts
Have you recently been seduced by blackened industrial? Are you Industrial-Metal-Curious? Francophilic? Well, have I got a bargain for you!
Brittany’s (France) Fange ostensibly plays sludge metal, but their most recent full-length, Pudeur, sees them in full-on Industrial assault mode, and it is glorious.
Somewhere between Hexis and Alec Empire, where digital hardcore and “harsh sludge” meet, you find Fange, smashing your face in with am Entombed riff and a Godflesh flourish.</p><p>If you are olde like me, and miss the overdrive-driven industrial noise metal of the 1990s, this is a Fudge Tunnel colored nostalgia machine.
For Fans Of
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