Ancestral Cult
Reviewed: 2024-02-06 | Rating: / 5 | Tagged: Germany Grouping: Popular | Genre Category: Rock | Genre: Metal | Sub-Genre: Black Metal | Style: Atmospheric Intended Audience: black metal antifa

Militantly antifascist atmospheric black metal (now with 100% less Crust influences!)
Official Description
With 2018’s debut recording, ARDE inflicted a mass of ravishing Black Metal into this dying world as the impending doom of our creation is projected into us day by day. As the dark veil of the current pandemic spread its vicious tentacles, the German collective handled its lockdown by focusing on the writing of a new tome. Countless hours of living and breathing the concept behind “Ancestral Cult”, ARDE forged a masterful work of atmospheric dense Black Metal wholly dedicated to ancient cults about goddesses and the female figure which holds a central place in many ancestral cultures. By addressing the struggle of women over time, ARDE expresses with visceral intent the anger and frustration of and for the world we live in. The dedication to our destruction fuels “Ancestral Cult” with the fire and passion its concept urges for and such traits blaze in the blistering sound the album purveys. Sonically enticing and utterly organic, the vigorous production showcases its dynamism through the miasma of cascading riffs bursting with the urgence and virulence of an avalanche, intimately partnering with a throbbing pulse of rhythmic fierceness. Sheerly intense, dexterous melodies overwhelm the ether on fast piercing gashes or heavy slower moments where the heart bleeds and the voice reach for the heavens with a poignant vocal performance. Although a small intermission halfway “Ancestral Cult”, “Síle” becomes the central piece on this record. A bucolic, beautifully ethereal performance by Cinder Well mystically invokes Mother Nature and the power and love that speaks from her and within her.
My Thoughts
This is as close to perfect as I expect an atmo-black album can get to what really turns my crank about the style. Heaps of emotive atmosphere, hypnotic riffs, and proper serious flow between tracks. Goddess worship, nature folklore, and brilliant production just add to the already impressive package.
And then Sile happens and you realize that there is a lot more going on here than you expected. Expect a Cinder Well entry here soon.
How I managed to miss this in 2021 is a mystery to me, but also one of my favorite things about the current state of (metal) music. There is just so much good stuff being put out that it’s nearly impossible to find all the gems. My only regret is not being able to get the CD box edition and the cassette. That’s what happens when you’re 2.5 years late I guess.
Mark my words, in the future this will be seen as one of the essential atmo-black albums. Retroactively, this is my favorite album of 2021, and will probably be my favorite of the decade.
For Fans Of
- Wolves inthe Throne Room
- Antlers
- Downfall of Nur