Book cover for Damnificados



Rating: ★★★★★

Language: en-US

Genre: Science Fantasy

Themes: Dystopia, Capitalism

Format: eBook

Finished: December 14, 2023

ISBN: 9781629631172

Publisher: PM Press

Published: 2016

Edition: 1

Pages: 288

About The Book

Damnificados is loosely based on the real-life occupation of a half-completed skyscraper in Caracas, Venezuela, the Tower of David. In this fictional version, six hundred “damnificados”—vagabonds and misfits—take over an abandoned urban tower and set up a community complete with schools, stores, beauty salons, bakeries, and a rag-tag defensive militia. Their always heroic (and often hilarious) struggle for survival and dignity pits them against corrupt police, the brutal military, and the tyrannical “owners.”

My Thoughts

PM Press is a collectively run anarchist publishing house, so you know when they publish a science fiction dystopia novel about societal collapse, it’s not likely to be a “loner in a bunker surviving against all odds” kind of thing. And for sure, it is not. It is the story of a group, a collective, a gang - of damnificados - homeless desperates living on the streets, in squatted buildings, wherever they can.

A story of hope and community action in the midst of the (literal) garbage of capitalist globalization and extraction economies, this magical realist novel is both learned and entertaining.

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