Homepage | Jon Tillman


Novae Militiae

Released: 2020-09-15| Length: 53:37
Reviewed: 2021-01-06 | Rating: 4.5 / 5 | Tagged: France, kvlt Grouping: Popular | Genre Category: Rock | Genre: Metal | Sub-Genre: Black Metal | Style: Dissonant Intended Audience: followers of the Scott Burns Deathcrush Manifesto
Novae Militiae - Topheth

TRVE KVLT black metal just this side of raw.

Official Description

Novae Militiae manage to make orthodox black metal with religious themes that doesnt feel like nor laughable nor like a relic of the past. It is instead a reminder of why black metal has always been fascinated with evil, and why it was the most fit to be so.

My Thoughts

I am not sure how exactly today will go down in history (it’s still too early to tell), but I am sure that this is a perfect album to watch the bursting of the American Exceptionalism balloon to.

Novae Militiae create a type of terroristic black metal that demands collapse, that nurtures it deep within you. Relentlessly aggressive, unceasingly negative, unforgivingly brutal, As one Bandcamp reviewer put it, BLACK METAL IS VIOLENCE. I couldn’t agree more or be happier about it.

If you ever wondered what Judge Dredd listened to while waiting around to push someone’s face in, wonder no more.

For Fans Of

  • Antaeus
  • Gevurah
  • Deathspell Omega
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