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Stella Moriens


Released: 2021-01-11| Length: 26:10
Reviewed: 2021-01-11 | Rating: 4.5 / 5 | Tagged: USA Grouping: Popular | Genre Category: Rock | Genre: Metal | Sub-Genre: Black Metal | Style: Atmospheric Intended Audience: spaced out black metal fans
Noctysmal - Stella Moriens

My favorite Philly space truckers return with an EP of cosmic atmospheric black metal.

Official Description

Recorded during The Great Conjunction of 2020, where the planets Jupiter and Saturn appeared in the sky at only about a tenth of a degree apart.

My Thoughts

Heavy on the meditative drone, light on the blast beat black metal formula, and decidedly RAW in production values, this is not likely to appeal to the wider metal community, but for those awake at all hours of the night multi-boxing EVE online a little bit drunk, this is perfect dinosaur clubbing hell-camp music (yes I am aware that makes no sense outside a tiny clique of nerds).

For Fans Of

  • Steve Roach
  • Christoph de Babalon
  • Lustmørd
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