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Through The Spheres of Darkness


Released: 2023-09-30| Length: 42:34
Reviewed: 2023-12-30 | Rating: 4 / 5 | Tagged: Grouping: Popular | Genre Category: Rock | Genre: Metal | Sub-Genre: Black Metal | Style: Occult Intended Audience: black metal fans
Marthyrium - Through The Spheres of Darkness

A solid occult black metal album from the misty wastelands of northern Spain.

Official Description

From our own viscera this act arose, enlightened by the sulphureous embers that still shine brightly among the ashes of this withering world. And thus, leaving forth the Voidness of the Self, our journey Through the Spheres of Darkness begins guided by the burning beacon towards eternity.

My Thoughts

I have a soft spot for black metal bands from the north of Spain because, well, I live in the north of Spain. That makes me more interested in bands I could theoretically see a 30 minute drive from my house as opposed to a 4 hour train ride from my house (Madrid). I am aware that means I sometimes go easy on them in reviews. However, Marthyrium need no such help. Released on my birthday, I am certain that this album will be on a lot of end of year lists within Spain, and probably completely absent from lists outside of it. That’s a real shame, because Marthyrium really brings the goods on this disc. There is a lot of Behemoth worship going on here, but with their own very doomy twist to it. Really solid drumming and a definite menacing, droning atmosphere put this at the top of my pile for the year.

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