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Mortal Coil


Released: 2021-03-31| Length: 42:34
Reviewed: 2021-06-01 | Rating: 4 / 5 | Tagged: black metal, post-metal, crust Grouping: Popular | Genre Category: Rock | Genre: Metal | Sub-Genre: Black Metal | Style: Crusty Intended Audience: black metal fans
Dödsrit - Mortal Coil

Sweden's favorite D-Beat mavens knock it out of the park

Official Description

“Mortal Coil” is Dödsrit's third full-length, featured on a yet short career though wholly filled with soul-drenching moments. Featuring four tracks, Dödsrit's "Mortal Coil" hails the smothering ashes of purgatory's flames by forging a wall of soultearing riffing, blistering belligerence conjoining melody with aggression, a genuine blaze of cacophony and heart-wrenching melancholy.

My Thoughts

From yesterday’s black metal tinged post-rock to now some post-rock tinged black metal.

Swedish D-Beat black metal mavens with a love of post rock flourishes, Dödsrit are exactly the type of hard to properly pin into one little genre box band I like.

Described by the band as “an eulogy for the hell we call our home” this is proper end of the world slow burn crust punk fused with grief stricken atmo-black and just enough potentially uplifting post-rock influences to keep the razor from your wrists for just a bit longer.

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